Search SSC Dues
Description : This API will return the due amounts for a payment. The EXP api will call the PRC layer and the process layer will request the SYS layer, SYS layer will call the backend SSC server to get the Due amount.
Channels can consume Mulesoft’s REST API exposed as an experience API.
Mulesoft Request:
Mandatory Headers: client_id, x-channel-id, x-correlation-id, x-bank-id, Authorization
Optional Headers: x-user-id, x-sub-channel-id, x-debug-flag, x-customer-id ,client_secret
URI Parameter
FieldName | DataType | Required? | Length | sample | Description |
payNo | Integer | Yes | 1 | billing number | |
serviceType | Integer | Yes | Min 1 Max 10 | 2 | Returned from GetPaymentType API as SERVICE |
Mulesoft Response:
Success Response: (200)
Response Body: application/json
Sample Response
"status": {
"success": true,
"code": "200",
"arabicMessage": "تمت العملية بنجاØ",
"englishMessage": "The Operation has been Successfully Completed"
"response": {
"searchDues": {
"dueAmount": "5588.957",
"maxAmount": "9999995",
"payExact": "0",
"customerName": "مصبغه سمرين الØديثه",
"IBAN": "JO38IIBA1260000001360002480500",
"billerName": "المؤسسة العامة للضمان الاجتماعي",
"token": "398500000032445720CF1E244943DDB6DF8E3151F1735C"
Sample Error Response:
Error codes :
content-type: JSON
"status": {
"success": false,
"code": "400",
"reasonCode": "BadRequest",
"arabicMessage": "",
"englishMessage": "No records were found that matched the selection criteria",
"errorCode": "",
"backendErrorMessage": ""
Below fields should be given back to Channel if x-debug flag = 1
"errorCode": "",
"backendErrorMessage": "",